The Monergy Flow

The Monergy Flow

All the money in the world (ALL of it) is generated by business. So, it’s a good idea for businesses to make as much of it as possible. More money equals more taxes paid and this (should!) lead to more and better services available to society. 

All businesses are simply groups of people trying to achieve something, and all people are humans, and humans are that special group of mammals we care for the most.

Put these two statements together and you arrive at the obvious question; can you devise a model where the business is able to make as much money as possible (this isn't about putting up your fees! It's about running an efficient business), and at the same time care for the humans?

We think you can…with Monergy, a combination of money and energy.

The Basic Model

Starting on the left all businesses try to make money. To make money they must have something to sell (product or service). To let people know they have something to sell they tell people. This is a very simple business model used the world over, and it’s all wrong!

Firstly, money shouldn’t be your main focus…there has to be a more honourable purpose as to why you’re getting out of bed each morning.

Secondly, think about your friends. Why are you friends with them? It’s not because of what they can offer you…is it? Of course not. It’s because you share values, principles, desires and passions. These are people you want to spend time with because it just feels right, because their outlook on life is like yours. Businesses are no different to humans, because they are humans. 

The PF+A Monergy Flow

We have flipped the Monergy Flow on its head. Instead of starting on the left we start on the right, with our vision “enhancing people’s lives”. Get a group of people who believe in the same vision and think about serving the world in the same way and you have yourself a brand. A brand is the personality, culture and purpose of the business. Now, rather than telling people what you have to sell you’re able to say “Hello, here I am”. And other humans are able to see who you are and if they like the sound of you, then you’ve made a connection. Connections are very powerful. Then you’ll be able to sell more and make more money. And it all starts with a vision.

Capitalism is a force for good

Once you've made more money than you require to run your business and pay your staff, what is the right thing to do with your profits? You could buy a new car or go on a nice holiday, or you could give money to charity. Better than both of these ideas is to reinvest your profits back into your business (the very tenets of capitalism before it got perverted by greed). If you nurture, support and love your humans you'll have better humans, which will enhance the chain of events which leads to more money, which leads to more profits to reinvest in your business.

Nurtured Humans are Happy Humans

A better functioning and more profitable business isn't the only outcome of this model. Nurtured humans feel like they belong to the group, and are part of the vision and future of the organisation. They ultimately feel happier. It's a rare privilege to work with people who share your vision of the world and become people you admire, respect and love.

Happy Humans go Home

Happy humans are not only more fun to be around at work, they go home at the end of the day and are more fun around their families too. Go home stressed and tired and you're much more likely to carry that negativity over to your family. Go home happy, positive and feeling loved and you’ll be carrying those powerful vibes right into the heart of your family, affecting how they feel and ultimately behave.

Happy Communities

Happier families lead to happier neighbours, happier streets, happier schools and ultimately happier communities.

Collective Responsibility

Happier communities and mental well-being is not someone else's responsibility. It is all too easy to point a finger at governments or schools and suggest that they need to do something to fix these social issues. And yes, they have their part to play, but so do we. PF+A refuse to absolve ourselves of the part we play in building the society in which we live and the legacy we leave behind. We call it responsibility, but really it's our privilege.

Carry the baton

We think of ourselves as part of a relay team. Can we leave our world in a better place for the next generation to carry forward once we've gone? We want to contribute more fully in the whole grand human drama. More than simply being, we want to help ourselves and others live more fully.

If you believe what we believe then we’d love to get connected.