Get the Project Done

It’s quite good for the soul to finally deal with the issues of your home that have bugged you for years, yet for some reason just haven’t progressed. Funnily enough, I recently commissioned my own company PF+A with such a scheme, to gain more light and natural ventilation into my master bedroom.

I began the process with my vision in the capable support of PF+A’s creative team. Together, we put forward a proposal for pre-application discussions with Planning to establish any constraints - of which there were plenty given that my house is within a Conservation Area! Following formal submission, a good compromise was approved and PF+A’s technical section made sure the whole thing would stand up, gaining the required ‘Building Licence and Approval of Full Plans’. I was ready to rock!

Following a risk assessment, I put together a team of skilled tradesmen, (plenty of choice there), starting with a scaffolder, carpenter, roofer, plasterer and finally a good decorator. The project has run very smoothly thanks to a happy team with timely progress, quality workmanship and excellent control of costs. The whole family has been impressed with the brilliance of it all.

Anyway, I was thinking, given my new “ Founder “ role for PF+A, what could be done for all the people who have “kicked the can down the road“ for far too long? 

We can do it together!

To get yourself a happier house, you can start by calling Pete Falla on 07781 103512 for an informal chat or coffee and get that project done in 2020! 

#peteponders #pfalife #doitin2020