Sui Tempus

Currently, we are a society controlled by our working hours. If we need to arrive late or leave early, a feeling of guilt sinks in as if we are letting others down. Even if we feel it will be an unproductive day, we still find ourselves slogging at our desks from 9 to 5. But what if you weren’t constrained by hours? Instead, you could choose how, where and for how long you worked. And if you didn’t feel like working you didn’t have to.

Here at PF+A, we measure our contribution not by the hours we put in but by our ability to deliver to our clients. It’s what we call ‘Sui Tempus’ -  a redefined philosophy of what we base our working day on.

We believe in improving people’s lives through all we do. Because we all believe in it this allows us to trust each other. We don’t need to establish control to ensure our people are working towards common goals. We can trust each other not to take advantage of the system. We discovered that if you’re clear about your purpose for being in business it acts like a magnet and as if by magic, you’re surrounded by people who share your goals and passions.

It doesn’t matter where and when we work - if the job gets done, the job gets done. Who’s to argue it needs to be in the office or within the standard eight hour working day?

After all, time is not absolute. To a child, five minutes can feel like forever, but to an adult, it’s gone in a blink of an eye. Take Einstein’s theory of relativity for example, depending on how fast we are accelerating or where we are in space, time can be distorted and is only relative to that individual. Whether you’re familiar with the laws of physics, or perceiving time from a human point of view; we are basing our lives on a tenuous dimension that has the ability to change. The passing of time can hugely differentiate depending on what you are doing or how you are feeling.

Do not mistake this as flexitime; our staff can work however many hours they need to complete the required tasks. Depending on how productive they are, it may take ten hours or it may take five. It’s why our staff are so happy, they want to work here and don’t find themselves in the position of watching the minutes go by, as to us, time is far less important than results.