"We believe in
enhancing lifestyles for all."
PF+A’s vision and culture illustrate the values which work together to define us as an architectural practice, why we undertake our work and what we really care about.
Our values are appropriately difficult to change but do evolve over time.
Our vision provides our purpose and sets out the aspirations for the business, providing clarity on our future direction and growth, whilst the culture of PF+A embodies the values of the Practice, how we work together and our ethos.
Our Vision
Our Vision sits at the core of our values and indicates our desire to create lifestyle enhancing environments that are aspirational to clients and communities. We will generate an emotional response that involves analytical and critical thinking.
We want to be adaptable and have a rigorous approach. We want to remain relevant, become renowned and be considered one of the best architectural practices not only inside the Channel Islands but further afield too. We engage through collaboration and participation taking advantage of our diversity, cross sector specialism and expertise. We seek to exceed expectations.
Excellence, honesty
& passion
Trust, Respect and Integrity
We are professional in all we do and demonstrate integrity. We treat each other with respect and endeavour to treat each other as we would want to be treated ourselves. As a Practice we are open about our work and the reasons for the decisions we take. We aim to impart trust and confidence in all staff, to our clients and to all external parties who deal with us.
PF+A is well-recognised within the industry for its trust, respect and integrity and aims to seek work from clients, consultants and contractors who have similar standards.
Sustainable and Resilient
Peter Falla built a business upon the strong foundations of hard work, integrity and commitment. It is these qualities that have enabled us to survive industry recessions and downturns whilst growing across the Channel Islands. A succession plan is already underway to ensure the Practice will continue into the future under the stewardship of the next generation.
"We engage through
collaboration& participation."
Happy Healthy Humans
We believe that humans are the key to any successful endeavour. We pride ourselves on fostering a friendly and safe environment in which our staff have autonomy to work when and how they like. PF+A encourages a healthy lifestyle; fresh fruit is available for our staff, all workstations are stand/sit desks and staff are rewarded for leaving their cars at home.
We promote training and actively encourage personal development creating a stimulating environment that encourages a sense of ownership, achievement and enjoyment.
Client Empathy and Collaboration
We believe the best results come from working together. Having a healthy and vibrant design culture enables PF+A to deliver a superior service. We are able to put ourselves into our clients’ shoes and actively choose to engage with them throughout the design and build of their projects.
Encouragement & Dedication
Sociable and Affable
We are well known for our sociable and friendly staff and offices, clients state that our people really do make a difference. Whilst we expect to work hard, we also wish to encourage a friendly, caring and sociable atmosphere. One that not only cares and supports those who work for it, but also contributes to selected charities and causes. The organising and participation in regular social events and fundraising activities is testament to the fun and sociable nature of all those the Practice employs.
Recognition and Reward
All staff are valued by the business. We share our profits with our staff and each member is enrolled in our Cultural Enrichment Programme providing support for lifestyle enhancement travel. We allow autonomous working across the company with no constraints over working hours.
Evolve and Improve
We strive to continuously evolve and spend time researching future developments in architecture, construction and business. We actively encourage students on works experience and keep engaged with the stars of tomorrow. All staff dedicate a proportion of their working year to CPD training.
Guernsey Studio
Guelles CourtGuelles Lane
St Peter Port
9am - 5:30pm | 01481 712633